Our first official Hydromissions expedition was in June, 2005, to a remote part of Venezuela to work with the Waraos indigenous people. This was a joint effort between Hydromissions International and S.W.I.M (Safe Water International Ministries).
Situated deep in the jungle of the Orinoco River Delta (very close to Guyana), Jotaida is a small community of open-sided log huts. There is no electricity and no running water, and the people live on what they find in the jungle or in the river. Food consists of shredded yucca and an occasional fish. The only water source was straight out of the stagnant river inlet (black water) – until this well was put in.
The Waraos are an almost forgotten people group (in fact, one Venezuelan guy we talked to in Caracas was shocked to hear we were working with them – he’s only seen them on the Discovery Channel). The government doesn’t want much to do with them, and their location makes it difficult to contact them.
There are at least 35 such villages that Vida Cristiana hopes to reach within the next few years, so please be praying for them.