

We traveled to this East African nation to work with BEZA International Ministries in an effort to help them expand their ministry to an isolated AIDS community on top of Entoto Mountain. In cooperation with the orthodox church, we were able to drill the first shallow bore hole well. Locals carried out most of the process, and many more wells are planned throughout the community (nearly 3000 people). Soap making as a microeconomic enterprise was taught to over 110 people. In addition, an appropriate water technologies seminar was conducted in Addis Ababa, with 50 representatives from various NGO’s in attendance. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to leave an EXP-50 drill rig in the care of BEZA to continue to drill on Entoto and in southern Ethiopia. This rig will also serve as a demo unit for other NGO’s to replicate the work.

Closest previous water source is contaminated (cattle run-off) spring approximately 3/4 mile away.

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